Court Garden Clinic, MARLOW Closed.
So this morning was my final day in the building, packing up the room which I moved into around March 2016. it's with regret but honouring this transition of moving forward and moving on it's what has to be done.
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support at Marlow including all the staff who made me part of their family in such a short amount of time.
But this is not over, when I eventually move i'll be transferring all my Home Counties services to Altea, The Downley Holistic Centre. I plan to come back at least twice a month and run all day clinics to see clients in this area.
Plus I will still be running a healing share in High Wycombe every month as well my quarterly donation days...
Love, Light & Dragon Blessings
D. x 💚🐉🔥