November's Water Challenge! Join Me...
So I'm setting myself a 30 day challenge! Who wants to join me...? A colleague of mine ( not vegan... Yet ) embarked on drinking this 'Elixir of Life' Simply take two litres of water and infuse it the night before with;

Half a lemon
3 inch chunk of ginger ( thinly sliced )
3-4 inches of cucumber
A good size sprig of fresh mint. ( however my friend used a naturally caffeine free mint tea bag and this worked just fine also )
The results he experienced have been amazing and the one day he missed he really noticed it and was kicking himself, if you don't drink a lot of water this is an ideal way to try and up your quantity as it tastes amazing!
I'm really interested to see how this makes me feel as I personally eat clean on 80% raw HCLF lifestyle and drink around 4-6 litres of water day!
Officially I am going to start on Monday 9th of November, today is just a test run! This gives me time to buy a weeks worth of stock over the weekend. Join me, if you don't drink that much water take the 5 minutes to prepare this for yourself... Aim to finish a 2 litre bottle during the day, if you do drink sufficient water, aim to drink it by lunchtime :)
Hydration is key to our bodies running at an optimal level, in fact nearly 85% of common ailments can be remedied by simply drinking more water...
30 days... What have you got to lose... :)
One last tip, try if you can to buy wax free oragnic lemons and cucumber, if you cant source organic, remember to peel them before using :)
For any further information or details, email me